
Alphabet Botanical, Thank You Bon Iver, and SLK

29 Mar 2012

Sally would like to introduce her new side project, Alphabet Botanical. It’s a creative collaboration, a magical wonderland, an escape from her solo work, in which she plans to collaborate with many different artists.

So far, she has co-written and recorded two songs with the very talented Tim Myers, and she has co-written and recorded a duet with her good friend Ben Lee.
Alphabet Botanical’s first single A New Feeling is now available worldwide on iTunes.
For more information on the project check out the new Alphabet Botanical website.

Sally would also like to say a huge thank you to Bon Iver and the entire band and crew for having her along as the support for the Australian shows. She was really inspired by the Bon Iver shows, and is now back in her home studio working away on her next solo album.

Also, a reminder that the Seeker Lover Keeper album is now available on iTunes in Japan, the USA and Canada. On April 2 the album will be released in the UK on Micro Data Records!


Sally Seltmann + Architecture in Helsinki = W.O.W

25 Nov 2011

Sally recently teamed up with her friends from Architecture in Helsinki to re-work their song ‘W.O.W’. The new version will be available through iTunes on Friday December 2. For now you can listen to W.O.W – Invisible Version at SoundCloud.